Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Stage 5 - Animation Montage and Combos

To begin with I created two variables, a Boolean named Sword2Mode and an Anim Montage called AttMontage, next I set 2 of my Sword2Mode variables and connected them the the set hidden in game nodes that I have set to show for both my sword and my great sword.

Now I created this script so that whenever I left clicked it would start an attack that could be continued into a combo attack.

Next I created 3 anim montages for my sword and shield attacks.  For my first attack I set the combo attack notify to the point of the animation where it should attack the enemy and then made a reset notify at the end of this anim montage and my other two anim montages.

I then set up the reset chain for my combo attacks

I then linked my attack combo and combo reset into my character blueprint as shown below.

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